When arriving on Ginger island I'm confronted with a full blue land that I walk on I'm pretty sure it isn't water and I know that it's not suppose to be all blue please patch this.
help!!! blue
i’ve tried changing the zoom and ui scaling, entering multiple times, it’s always blue no matter the time or day ~ everything else works great though!
ConcernedApe posted something on Twitter stating him and the team he is working with is aware of the bug and investigating it. Nothing to do now but wait.
Hi! This is a reported bug and developers are looking into it but in an effort to keep similar reports together, I've locked this thread as a duplicate of https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/blue-floor-on-island.5398/. If you have additional info about this issue, please add it to that thread! The main thread for an issue is picked based on multiple factors, we won't always pick the earliest thread that reported the issue.