Issue Game stops responding when obtaining a treasure chest from fishing


baseline info: I use windows 11, running game version 1.6.8 and smapi 4.0.8. LOG:

As soon as a chest opens and shows me the contents, it freezes and stops responding indefinitely, ultimately ending in me ending the process. I originally thought this was an issue with the fishing mod I was using, but every fishing mod I installed (I tried autofishing, yet another fishing mod, fishing assistant 2, and am now using fishing made easy suite) had this same problem. Two of the five times I've had this bug, it's flicked back to an earlier still of my play session (1st character creator, another time just my character walking), but that doesn't happen each time. I'd troubleshoot on my own to see if it's two mods conflicting, but I don't catch treasure every time I fish, so I can't repeat the bug on command, as ticking 'always collect treasure' or its equivalent on each mod just didn't catch treasure at all. for that same reason I don't have a screenshot or screen recording right now. I could reproduce the bug, but it'd be hard to predict when to start capturing, so if a video/image is really needed, it would take me a little while. I do also use only fish consume bait and the lategame fish rebalance from Imbion on nexus (which i couldn't find if it conflicted with the new version of the game on the smapi mod compatibility page), so those may be conflicting with any of my other fishing mods.

I'm not very techy ( all) so I can't figure out what the error messages mean, so if anybody could help me, that'd be awesome! and sorry if i missed something obvious.