Hi! I'm looking for a good seed for an early CC with remixed bundles challenge I'm trying out, and I was wondering if anyone could help me.
If possible, I'd like to find a seed that has these bundles:
Crafts room: Any
Pantry: Garden, Artisan, and Rare Crops bundles
Fish Tank: Any
Boiler Room: No Engineer's bundle
Bulletin Board: Dye, Field Research, Fodder, Children's, and Home Cook's bundles
I remember seeing a post a while back about how remixed bundles can affect the traveling cart predictions, but if there's a workaround for that, I'd be very interested in a seed with these bundles that also has a Snow Yam and Crocus in the cart on or before Fall 14.
If possible, I'd like to find a seed that has these bundles:
Crafts room: Any
Pantry: Garden, Artisan, and Rare Crops bundles
Fish Tank: Any
Boiler Room: No Engineer's bundle
Bulletin Board: Dye, Field Research, Fodder, Children's, and Home Cook's bundles
I remember seeing a post a while back about how remixed bundles can affect the traveling cart predictions, but if there's a workaround for that, I'd be very interested in a seed with these bundles that also has a Snow Yam and Crocus in the cart on or before Fall 14.