Solved Game crashes when breaking artifact troves


The game crashes whenever clint breaks the artifact troves. This started happening after yesterday’s update. Earlier it was working fine.



The game crashes whenever clint breaks the artifact troves. This started happening after yesterday’s update. Earlier it was working fine.
Hey, can you find an error log? You can use your iOS Files App -> On my iPhone -> StardewValley -> ErrorLogs & find the most recent ones.


just tried it again and here it is the latest log

and for some reason it is saying the version is .1 but the app store version says .3
Hmm, yeah, I'd definitely trust what the log says. I'm not sure if there's a way to force the App Store to re-download/update, but this specific crash should go away when the game is on the latest version.

You can check in-game if the version is right, by tapping the [?] button on the title screen, and looking at the bottom left corner. That version number will also include the build number, which is recommended when making reports here.