Issue Game crash on day 3 startup (SV Expanded)


Hi, so, first off, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+, SMAPI, Stardew Valley, and the only mods I have installed are SVE, Grandpa's Farm, and the required mods for those. They are all the correct versions for mobile modding and are installed correctly.

I can get up to the end of day 2 (well, day 3 technically, but I don't get a chance to wake up on day 3) before my game crashes. I can't reload the save since it crashes when I try to load it. I *can* make a new save, but still can't get past day 2.

I'm aware it could be that my tablet just can't support the accumulating data, and I'm ok with it if that's the problem, I just want to be sure, y'know?

Here's my log right after it crashes (I made a fresh save just for this):


Estou com um problema parecido no meu tablet, mas eu tenho o xiaomi tab 6, e eu não consigo sair da cabana, se quiser passar 20 dias dentro da cabana eu consigo mas a partir do momento que tento sair o jogo simplesmente fecha. Já fiz tudo possível e nada resolve, se colocar na fazendo da praia nem abre, mas no deserto eu consigo sair por uns 2 segundos da cabana.