Windows Food/Eating Soft Lock Glitch (Animation Cancelling)


I realise likely this is more of user error than anything but I thought it was interesting and wanted to make note. Especially since I never had this issue before the last patch.

I've been having issues on 1.6.15 for a couple weeks now with eating food. Sometimes I will get soft locked when eating food, where I will right-click any food, hit the "y" key to accept, and the screen freezes. I can still select other tools or items on my hotbar and it will deselect the food on the frozen screen. However, it will not visibly open or close menus on pressing "e" or "esc". I do notice for a single frame if I tab out the inventory, however it vanishes. If I continue to click randomly, pressing my inventory, and tab in and out, the game will eventually allow me to move. However, it will be in an animation cancelled state. Much in the same way when you load up the fishing rod and hit the animation cancel so you're holding a half-cast fishing rod and moon-walking around.

My idea on the glitch is that it is linked to animation cancelling and the weapon buffer. Like when you use the special move on the club and animation cancel but it buffers its own swing without clicking again. If I animation cancel on using a weapon and then go to eat, I think that's when I generally get soft locked. I have noticed that I can avoid this glitch if I make sure to input a clean action or inventory open and close before eating.

Windows 11, Version 1.6.15, English, Mouse/Keyboard

