Depends on season, weather, skill level, and time of day.I was wondering if there’s a specific place in fishing that brings the most income? Is it the pond, ocean etc. Which area fish cost the most, basically. thanks!
Largely agree with this listGenerally I have a bias towards Ocean because its fish is more interesting most of the time, but just having fished for such a long time, I have a vague sense of where I would like to go generally.
My list:
- If Legend / Legend II is possible --> Mountain Lake
- Else if Submarine possible --> Submarine
- Else if Ginger Island Southeast unlocked --> Pirate Cove
- Else
-- If Summer Morning/Day (1PM) or Winter Night --> Ocean
-- If Summer Day (1PM+) --> Forest
-- If Winter Day --> Mountain Lake
-- If Fall --> Town Lake
-- If Spring --> Ocean
Strictly by intuition on what I like to do in the past, and where I felt interesting fish is present.
If you are strictly looking for money fueled by fishing, nothing beats Legend/Legend II and their roes.
If you cannot catch them consistently yet, I would recommend catching a Lava Eel when you can instead and put it in a pond. Even if you are farming them and selling the base fish once you reach max capacity, it's still worth a lot.