Windows Fishing Pot Yield (1.6)


I want to like the idea of fishing pots, so I have been experimenting with Targeted Bait (Lobster).

According to the Wiki this should be 3x yield of the 14% yield you get with 'Mariner'.

Which because - on average - targeted bait uses around 13% of your 'catch' should mean a net profit of around 2x catch rates.

This isn't what I found was happening - baiting 200 pots to ensure a reasonable sample size, the catch rates of lobster seemed very similar with either Targeted or Deluxe bait,and was around the 28-30 mark as would be expected with a 14% yield.

Thus I think targeted bait isn't actually working at all with pots.

Thanks to smokers preserving quality though, there's still an argument to deluxe bait anyway due to the coal cost. So I would suggest that Targeted Bait probably _should_ increase quality the same way as Deluxe does.

I'd also suggest that either Trapper or Mariner should probably increase the profit of pot-caught fish, because otherwise you're missing out on a +50% value bonus that you get from Fisher/Angler.