Fishing, iOS, and you…


Can someone please walk me through how to fish on an iPad? If this is been answered elsewhere a link to that thread would be greatly appreciated thank you
We were talking about it in June here

At first I couldn't even figure out how to cast. So, you gotta walk to the edge of the water, facing the water. Then select the pole from your toolbar and do a sorta medium-short hold-tap to cast. Then wait for the exclamation mark, then tap/touch to start the mini game. If it's trash or algae you won't get the mini game. If it says HIT! that's a fish. You have to tap so gently to control the fishing bar, little tappy taps. 😁


Thank you for the help. Just one last question, is the! Fairly large and noticeable?
I think it is, at least when you're watching the screen and not getting distracted.
There is also an audio cue if you play with sound.


OK, I saw it this time. Nowhere do I tap? On the lure, on the ! Or on the player? Because I’ve tried tapping pretty much everywhere and nothing seems to work


It shouldn't matter where you tap, anywhere on the screen is fine.

If nothing happens, you were to slow.