Final update:
The hops and starfruit strategy worked very nicely.
316 hops and fill in with melon.
Then replace melon with DSG starfruit for two starfruit harvests.
Finish with wheat to keep the DSG over into Fall.
Results at the end of Summer:
356 unsold pale ale, 101 being processed, and 5,343 hops. With full processing and Artisan that will sell for 2,436,000g.
335 unprocessed starfruit. With Artisan, the wine will fetch 1,055,250g.
Enough other stuff to sell so I can fill my field with DSG beets and wheat for fall.
Fish pond full of carp.
Lots of coffee beans.
3,491,250g is definitely the highest money of the three runs. I also had plenty of free time, getting my stats up to mining 9, foraging and combat 7. I didn't buy the barn yet, but I did upgrade my tools - steel axe and gold pickaxe. All in all I found that summer good fun.
I think this is the run that I will continue, and the strategy I will try for next time.