First Iridium and use thereof

My first use of iridium bars is usually to:

  • Save up and buy the Desert obelisk

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10 coffee plants isn't enough for constant coffee buff, is it? I tried that once and I ended up with like 20+ plants. (I also hated the manual watering lol, although deluxe retaining soil might have helped if I was doing it on 1.5.)
I personally prefer +2 speed to the defense buff, since I can dodge enemies easier and not get hit at all, but ymmv.
The maximum pots one can water with an iridium can in one click (and still be able to collect) is 16, I think. So it's probably doable to have 32 coffee bushes indoors and water them in 2 clicks. But yeah, I generally aim at the retaining soil.

I don't mind watering that much, I like to have indoors plants anyway (a small herb garden in the kitchen, some tomatoes, aubergine etc.) but collecting all that coffee would be a nuisance, I think.

I don't generally use speed buffs all the time, only in very limited circumstances. I have dyspraxia (which simply means I'm extremely clumsy, drop things and suck at hand-eye coordination) and managing a fast farmer is even harder than a slow one. I still haven't caught any of the legendary fish, and I die more often when fast than when slow and armored because I can't react quick enough.


My first two went to sprinklers for my greenhouse. I need more kegs for all the coffee I'm growing in there.
First play thru, I've got coffee, hops, ancient fruit, strawberries, and cacti going in there :coffee:


My first iridium bars all go towards iridium sprinklers. On my Ravenwood layout, that’s 46 of them, 40 for the fields, 6 for the greenhouse, and I usually have them by the middle of my first winter, long before I’m ready to use them on the other options in this poll.
For me it's Iridium Pickaxe, then Sprinklers, then tool upgrades, then Crystalariums. Though I'm probably going to switch it up next time and try the Crystalariums first, that actually makes a lot of sense to me even though I haven't done that previously.

@ShneekeyTheLost I actually prefer the 4 Iridium Sprinkler layout for the Greenhouse, I think it looks better than the asymmetrical 6 and there's no loss in efficiency or space. It gives a new home to at least some of the Quality Sprinklers being replaced outside with more Iridium ones too, and lets you get Iridium Sprinklers outside faster. This is the layout I'm talking about:


I actually found my balance after a while, and now on every new save, the first thing I do is Crystallariums. With enough Jade available, I can very quickly descend to lower levels of SC where iridium is more plentiful, and then I'm swimming in iridium bars. Not literally, tho, it would kill me. Iridium is poisonous. Or was it thallium?

I leave out sprinklers until the last - outside, I'm usually too lazy to replace the regular ones with purples as it would require re-positioning all scarecrows, paths, rods and whatnot. And in the greenhouse, I just wait until I have the Ancient Fruit to place all over before replacing regular sprinklers with deluxe ones. It's not worth the effort before.

Hill Myna

@ShneekeyTheLost I actually prefer the 4 Iridium Sprinkler layout for the Greenhouse, I think it looks better than the asymmetrical 6 and there's no loss in efficiency or space. It gives a new home to at least some of the Quality Sprinklers being replaced outside with more Iridium ones too, and lets you get Iridium Sprinklers outside faster. This is the layout I'm talking about:
Almost perfect! But you need to move all of your Quality Sprinklers up one tile, because Symmetry. And I have my two strips of Coffee Beans on opposite sides, only partly because it's easier to harvest that way (on console).

I also never put fruit trees down the bottom, because I like to 👀. In my Greenhouse, the original six go up the top, with two Obelisk-ingredient trees just below them, and my sticky-food-source trees taking up the other six spots. :)

Regarding the Iridium Sprinklers, I don't find it worth crafting them just for outdoor Fall crops. I'd rather focus on upgrades/Crystalariums first, as long as I have four of them ready for my Greenhouse mid- to late-Fall (depending on what my bundle situation is like). In Year 2 all my sprinklers will be Iridium anyways.