Standard Farm Ferris requested that I show my farm so here it is!

Lew Zealand

good luck with that! i never played on a mobile and can't imagine how it is, but it must be so exhausting without keyboard and little screen
Agreed on that. I think if you start playing Stardew on mobile you are immediately used to it as the interface and screen size is familiar, especially if your phone is your preferred gaming device. However I started playing Stardew on Mac and PC, and moving from a roomy big screen to mobile was frustrating at times and I really couldn't deal with it very well on my phone. On a tablet it's better with the larger screen and the mobile controls are great (sometimes better than mouse/keyboard), however I'm super used to the precision of a keyboard and find that I can get a little annoyed after a while with the touchscreen. I shouldn't be annoyed when playing Stardew.

OK okok the real problem is that I just don't like using my phone much. It's super handy because you always have it, but growing up with old tiny CRT screens connected to a computer, a bigger screen was always the pinnacle of great computing. Connecting a brand new 20" LCD to an old Mac as a test just felt better even with the same old, slow, near-dead CPU. I use a 32" LCD now and if I thought I could manage a 40" one, I'd do it! So for anything more than reading things, I find the relatively small screen of a phone merely tolerable and often frustrating.

Gimme my biggg screen now!!! 📺 🖥
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Agreed on that. I think if you start playing Stardew on mobile you are immediately used to it as the interface and screen size is familiar, especially if your phone is your preferred gaming device. However I started playing Stardew on Mac and PC, and moving from a roomy big screen to mobile was frustrating at times and I really couldn't deal with it very well on my phone. On a tablet it's better with the larger screen and the mobile controls are great (sometimes better than mouse/keyboard), however I'm super used to the precision of a keyboard and find that I can get a little annoyed after a while with the touchscreen. I shouldn't be annoyed when playing Stardew.

OK okok the real problem is that I just don't like using my phone much. It's super handy because you always have it, but growing up with old tiny CRT screens connected to a computer, a bigger screen was always the pinnacle of great computing. Connecting a brand new 20" LCD to an old Mac as a test just felt better even with the same old, slow, near-dead CPU. I use a 32" LCD now and if I thought I could manage a 40" one, I'd do it! So for anything more than reading things, I find the relatively small screen of a phone merely tolerable and often frustrating.

Gimme my biggg screen now!!! 📺 🖥
yes forreal...the first pc that i could use (after my c64 that was connected to a little tv) was a intel 386 and my father had to buy a new desk because the 15" monitor wouldn't fit on the old one xD this thing was HEAVY, the pc was a tower case with nearly nothing in it, no graphics card only a sound card soundblaster or something like that with orange box and a turbo button on the front to change from 33 mhz to 66 🤣 i remember that my father had to buy extra 16 or 32 mb!!! ram so that i can play battleisland 2. and having a bigger monitor was the craziest, most expensive upgrade you can get at that time.


ok i think i should give it a chance because i have a decent tablet. the only game i ever played on a mobile phone was snake.
The only problem I have with it is that I play with tap to move and buttons to my hands are always in the same spots so when I try to reach across the screen with my dominant hand (right) I might exit out of whatever menu I'm in.
Same problem with phone.