I don't think Abby can be taken down a notch....Hmmm, this is a surprisingly hard question and I guess I'll approach it as: IRL who would I end up hanging out with?
Probably Caroline as she seems the most self-realized and balanced person in the Valley. All the adults (young and older) are off their rockers in small to larger ways (maybe not Evelyn) and the kids are still very young. But Caroline finds no need to bust heads (lookin' at you Pierre!) or do anything other than what's best for Caroline and her family. Plus, someone needs to take Abby down a notch and it sure isn't going to be the Slouch Twins, Sam and Seb.
And anyway I've already described my undying appreciation for the unattainable perfection that is Gil in a few other posts so he gets a pass here.
Gah how could i forget?Hat Mouse!
It would be amazing if you could befriend the Hat MouseHat Mouse!
dude i LOVE Lewis n-nHiii, who is your favourite NPC? Mine is Leo
Don't tell anyone... But he has a crush on Miss Penny!-Vincent. Every time he talks about how he wants to be just like his brother, or tells me I’m not that boring (thanks, buddy), my heart melts