Farmer Birthdays


It would be cute for the player character to have an in game birthday, and on that day 3-5 npcs with the highest relationship stats could send gifts in the mail (If there’s more than 5 npcs that are in a max-stat friendship, and the farmer isn’t in a relationship with them, the npcs that send gifts is random), and other npcs simply wish them happy birthday. The player would input their birth day and month, which would convert into a day in stardew:

March-May: Spring
June-August: Summer
September-November: Fall
December-February: Winter
Birthdays on 28-31: Last day of the season


I always loved this idea! Although it is sad that people's who's farmers that resemble them and who also have birthdays on the 29th to 31st have to improvise :sweat: I like that 'last day of the month ideal though'