Early game luck

Lew Zealand

I have never gotten an auto-petter. Not once. And it just kills me lol.

I've even played through a Joja route once but felt so awful about it that I stopped playing after the achievement popped for completing the community upgrades and never bought the auto-petter.
But but there are sooo many wonderful ways not to get an Autopetter that you can't stop at not getting just a single one, the strategy I tried was to get it and then lose it. I finally got my first Autopetter after the Nth Skull Cavern run but it was early on in the run and I had lots of Cheez and inventory space so I kept going, of course.

Like a fool.

Sometime later I must not have been paying attention to my Health because that's less shiny than Iridium nodes or Dinosaur scales and I had just barely gotten past Level 100 to start the carpet Bombing general tidying up of the lower levels in preparation for the 8pm Monster party marked on the level's sign-up board. Well apparently it only takes a few swings of a Galaxy Sword to kill the multiple Flying Serpents who were overseeing the cleaning lady, but as I was trying to gather the voluminous detritus and not just sweep it under the rug, my flailing especially skilled sword swats failed to connect in an eerily parallel recreation of how my mouth failed to connect with any sweet Gold Cheez. And down I went in a crumple of Iridum Ore, unused Staircases, and scattered Autopetter parts.

When I came to in Dr. Mustachio's office, I noticed my baggage was lighter than just the 1000g charge he managed to extract while I was unconscious. Very thoughtful of him to save me the gauche embarrassment of asking for payment of services. Harvey directed me to the Adventurer's Guild to retrieve my missing materials in a move reminiscent of the computer guy passing the buck when you say all your files are gone and he recommends talking to the cloud storage backup hoozewhatsit while pointing behind you. And then disappears into your fovea before you've even finished glancing towards the emptiness of the back of the shop.

Naturally Marlon comes over all innocent and offers to find my missing Sap and Copper Ore but the Iridium Ore and Autopetter are nowhere to be found. And of course nobody stole the 3 Blue Cowboy Hats I still have! Marlon mentioned it was odd that the Monsters were having a nice time playing hand puppet theater using Mickey Mouse mitts as shadow puppets on the cavern walls opposite a bonfire, which is weird as I had no Wood or Coal on me. Or Mickey Mice. Huh, whatever. I stuck the Blue Hat on Gil as I left and as I understand his Vow of Immobility to Yoba, that Hat will never move again until it slowly decomposes back into its constituent elements.
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@Lew Zealand oh how I wish I could do more than just like your post lol. I lost it by "Dr. Mustachio's office" and had to stop multiple times throughout the rest. You are an excellent storyteller, I can see all of this happening to my poor farmer


What's the luckiest thing that happened to you in the very early game stage?

I just started a new game. Year 1, spring, day 6.
Got this treasure chest while casually fishing in my farm pond.

View attachment 16088
Ah, looks like you've found that tempting treasure chest so easily. I can't help but be amazed by the luck that surrounds you.

Divine power flows in my veins, I am the chosen godkin who inherited the power of the gods, the "SEPUH" who reigns in the realm of Stardew Valley ( ̄⊿ ̄)╭