Dye Hats, Masks, and Livestocks+ Animal-Prints Clothing

1) I would love to have fake animal prints clothing. Can I dye in animals print?
cause it's pretty trendy today.

- Cows' Print
- Tiger Slime's Print (or tiger's print)

2) Also, can I dye my hats and mask in a different color? –would be really nice.

Edit: 3) Someone suggested dyeing our livestock... LoL
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I for some reason picture you with dye going after sheep. Singing "pink fluffy sheep grazing in meadows". Then I reread it and saw animal print and got mildly disappointed.
We can dye our sheep pink....LoL if you want.......... :cry::cry: 🤣🤣

I don't mean to make you sad.
I only wanted to look like Doja Cat and Shania Twain...:sweat:

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Upgrade: Change the title and topic recently.
I understand the joy of having a pink sheep. @Zen_the_Ogre

Yesterday, I have dyed my hair in magenta/hot pink and it made me happy....– I swear ((Apology, my randomness....))
I understand how you feel. :sweat:

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