Doing stupid things


What's the last stupid thing you did while playing? Or something you do without fail?

For me, it's about giving Marnie money for chickens when I have a perfectly good incubator in my deluxe coop. I seem to do this every playthrough without fail. 😭

Then there's trying to walk through a doorway while holding a food item that is important/took forever to get. Also, without fail, I click "yes" when asked if I'd like to eat it. Sure, why not. Even though I've got three refrigerators full of food, I'll eat this Legendary Fish. 😭😭

Also, and I had to learn this one the hard way. Putting hard to acquire fish in the fridge right next to the chub. Then totally forgetting about it and whipping up several plates of sushi and immediately going to bed. 😭😭😭


Local Legend
Money is everything...
Money greases so many wheels in this game that we could start using WD-40 as currency, let's be honest...

...but let me tell you, it is not.

Okay, sure, in my current save (total earnings 28M) I have spent 5M on Statues of Endless Convenience (to turn money into iridium), and fine, I did also spend .5M in 10 minutes game time at Robin's once buying nothing but stone, and then after using the Return Scepter to get home had spent literally all of it within another 30 minutes (along with the iridium from those statues) to make crystalariums... but I don't use crystalariums to make diamonds to make money, like a lot of people do. I use them to mass produce jade. Fill a shed with crystalariums and watch your 150+ jade every 1.7 days quickly accumulate. It can quickly become what amounts to infinite staircases.

Also, spending money on Statues of Endless Convenience is arguably pretty stupid. It takes years of play after buying one for it to pay for itself when you take the average value of what it produces over time... and in this save I've bought 5. In other saves with total earnings much higher (I'm talking 100M) I've bought as many as 60 of them.

And having 60 of those things creates what I call "Pink Cake Season". See, on someone's birthday they give you a loved gift for that person. For 3 people the loved gift the statue provides is pink cake. Furthermore, 2 of those 3 people have birthdays in the same week in Spring with Vincent on the 10th and Haley on the 14th. Under a month later is Jas's birthday for a total of 3 pink cake per statue... and 60 of them? That's 180 pink cake you just get for free every year, and that's decent healing food when you're not gifting it to the cake addicts in town.
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Eating food I shouldn't or didn’t mean to? βœ…
Spending money on silly things? βœ…
Jumping on and off my horse by accident loads of times, because I didn't park her far enough away and was trying to do something else too close to her? βœ…
Trying to go through gates too fast and p/or insistently, and accidentally ripping their doors off? βœ…
Leaving a tool in a chest before heading into one of the mines, then forgetting to grab it again when leaving? βœ…
Probably several more that I can't think of right now? βœ…βœ…βœ…

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Eating food I shouldn't or didn’t mean to? βœ…
Spending money on silly things? βœ…
Jumping on and off my horse by accident loads of times, because I didn't park her far enough away and was trying to do something else too close to her? βœ…
Trying to go through gates too fast and or insistently, and accidentally ripping their doors off? βœ…
Leaving a tool in a chest before heading into one of the mines, then forgetting to grab it again when leaving? βœ…
Probably several more that I can't think of right now? βœ…βœ…βœ…

I do all those except for the food. I meant to eat everything. πŸ˜‹ And I usually only parkmy horse too close to a doorway if there's an NPC nearby. It's an accurate representation of how I was in high school. lol


The one that annoys me most is in my gem-sheds.
I have one shed that does ~35 jade, ~35 ruby, ~35 diamonds. When I forget to change the item I'm holding ang acvidentally "overwrite" a crystalarium.

Or forgetting to produce enough Ancient Fruit seeds for my Spring Mega Plant.

Also in early game, clicking to fast while trying to sell fish to Willy. I've accidentally bought so much soup when I need the money for other things.


Misclicking "Use" on a warp totem. Picture the angry AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa! as I yell in fury that I wasted a totem again and have to walk back to where I was to add insult to injury.

Carefully picking up materials for Robin to build with, and then clicking "Add to existing stacks" on another chest that had 1 wood in it. Going all the way to Robin and finding out I do not have the 500 wood I need.

Going to build a silo and bringing 3 copper bars with me. Because math so hard, and also who could remember it's actually 5? That's insane amount of data to remember!

Getting upset I forgot to bring bait for my crabpots to the beach, again, and only after a month realizing I'm carrying a perfectly good fishing pole with 900 bait attached to it, and all it takes is one click to take it out.

Picking up all my geodes to go see Clint on a Friday.

Lew Zealand

OK okok, let's take this in order:

Don't watch the TV for first 2 years in-game. Because IRL Mom says it's bad for you and thus must be a temptation of your previous city life. Miss out on huge amounts of in-game info and paving the way for other giant mistakes.

Don't buy Horse at all in first 180hr playthrough. Because IRL horses are a lot of work for little payoff. Unknown if above TV info would have explained SDV horses properly. Side effect: my current horse laughs at me behind my back but I got him back, making him wear the Sailor's Cap.

Use scroll wheel instead of hotkeys to select tools, thus ensuring pickaxeing many crops, including Ancient Fruit, Starfruit, and my only Red Cabbage.

The common occurrence of making Sushi for Seb using Midnight Carp or Octopus instead of Periwinkle because of course the Carp and 'pus are in the Refrigerator and the Periwinkle is in my inventory. Stupid convenient Fridge.

Hitting the Trash instead of entering the sisters' house just when Leah/Shane/Marnie/Sam/Jodi are working by thus killing some hearts with them. All. the. @%$$#% time!

Accidentally Axeing my Casks with Gold star Starfruit or Ancient Fruit Wine in them so I have to start the season-long process again.

Shift-Click selling all my Cabbage, Pumpkins, you name it, to Pierre when I needed to keep some for the Community Center. I also do this in Minecraft, making 12 Diamond Picks when I needed those Diamonds for Armor. These things are why people choose to be bilingual, so you can stomp and swear around the house without the restrictions of a single language's creativity.

Not restarting the day after above events as I didn't figure I could just replay it. Because that requires brain which is still in a jar on the nightstand on weekends.

There are more but I have blocked them out. There will always be more.


I do lots of stupid things, mostly due to trying to do them in a hurry. Some are similar to the above posters.
  • I've already thrown a set of about 100 Triple Shot Espressos into the shipping bin (twice).
  • Accidentally* choosing the ax instead of the hoe when working on my crops.
  • Giving wrong gift to someone, which results in a "what am I suppose to do this this?" reply.
  • I accidentally* gave Clint the hoe rather than the pickaxe to upgrade to Iridium right when I was about to do some serious mining. That was a super stupid move because it was a serious waste of my Iridium bars which I specifically saved for my pickaxe.
* Accidentally = Stupidly


I've seen a few already mentioned that I'm guilty of as well, like giving a bad gift or using an item on accident. Another mistake I seem to make a lot is selecting and/or using the wrong tool. Whether it's while farming, mining, fishing, fighting, or pretty much any other situation I just seem pretty clumsy when it comes to the tools. I've also had a few times where I gave Clint a tool to upgrade, then forgot that I gave them to him and still tried doing things that required those tools. Another mistake I've made a few times is accidentally buying items because I pressed the wrong button.

I think the worst thing I did happened while playing my current save, and I have no idea how I did it but I somehow managed to lose the golden scythe. I use a mod that lets me ship anything, so I probably put it in the shipping bin on accident. Oh and I totally didn't use a mod to get it back and then pretend like it never happened!

Just wanted to add that I've also had several times where I went into my slime hutch for the slime balls, but forgot I had my weapon out and ended up killing most of my slimes instead of using the slime balls.
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My favorite wrong tool use in early game:

Step 1: after finishing chores, go fishing
Step 2: fish until you are one throw away from exhaustion
Step 3: run home to sleep
Step 4: accidentally use the fishing rod, and end up exhausted anyway.
Thing I love about early game is how much Spring Onions and Salmon Berries you can stock up on for free. They aren't really good, but they save me from ever getting that low.

Plus seaweed. I eat so much seaweed.


  • Giving wrong gift to someone, which results in a "what am I suppose to do this this?" reply.
Oh my Yoba, I do this all the time with poor Vincent - force-feeding him bait twice a week. Poor boy hates me.

My crabpots are on the beach right where Vincent likes to sit and when I try to add bait to the crabpots, the game always, always feeds one piece to Vincent.

I started carrying grapes just to give to Vincent before I go baiting the pots so I can't accidentally stuff the kid with wigglies.