does it matter who I marry?


Abigail is the "dark" one, Penny is the "family oriented" one, Leah is the "artsy" one, Maru is the "geeky" one, and Haley is the "stuck up princess" (ugh). I get that all these characters have different backstories and personalities and so on and that's cool. What I'm curios about is, in terms of game mechanics (things they do, gifts they give, etc), do any of these characters have advantages over the others?

So far I'm noticing that it seems like Leah and Abigail are the easiest ones to find gifts for

Lew Zealand

It terms of return on investment or raw benefits in-game, probably Abigail is the best as she gives you Bombs on occasion but really Bombs are so cheap to buy or make that that's a pretty slim advantage. I suppose if another spouse gave you a rare high health or decent buff food like Spicy Eel that could be better. I don't optimize for food much so I just kinda marry a different person in each save.

Outside of that I suppose one could just marry Haley 'cuz she gets no respect and she's easy to get to full hearts with a little Spring Foraging. That's what I'm doing in my current save.
Some spouses do something that might matter to you depending what you are going for in your game.
Possible spoilers ahead!
Penny redecorates, giving you a unique bedspread and a few decor items you can't get otherwise. Emily makes you a special outfit. Abigail makes a shrine in the backwoods. Alex redoes the back room of the saloon with a sport theme. With Leah you do and get to keep a bad painting of Marnie.
Also, each candidate has a different spouse room. Depending on how you want your house to look, that could matter a lot. For instance Leah's flooring doesn't match anything from the catalog, but Penny's does.


I don't think it matters a whole lot... they're each different but idk. Ig just go with the one you like the best, and if you don't like em you can always divorce or marry someone else on a different save file (though divorce costs 50k and resets allllll of your hearts back to 0. And they won't attend your weddings with anyone else. :P )

I married Sebastian and he's a lazy f-ing BUM. He waters the plants or feeds the animals sometimes but other than that he doesn't do like anything. He changed the flooring in the house like once lol. And he's also gone a lot so sometimes I come home and wonder "am I married to anyone? Oh yeah, I am, he just disappeared again". I mean don't get me wrong - I love Sebastian - but some marriage candidates are probably just better than him. 😂


There is a mod to take the marriable NPCs on adventure with you. You can take any of them as long as they're good enough friends but it could be extra special with your spouse if you're into that kinda thing.


I thought they were going to work on it, but now that I look back on it seems like they've retired it as of the 1st. So no. I was wrong. Maybe someone will try to replicate it for 1.5 one day

Lew Zealand

Awwww… I just married Haley and was hoping she would come along and do some sort of real-time guerrilla cave and island redecoration with lots of bows and ribbons, riding a cow and most importantly dispensing Pink Cakes with little hearts on the top to all who are down 100+ Health.


The general gameplay isn’t affected by who you marry, the only big differences are their outdoor area, gifts, dialogue, and occasionally something different from their 14 heart event.


Thanks everyone for the replies.

I was going to go with Penny, but I just got the scene where
Leah gives you a sculpture
and that really tugged at the heart strings, so now I'm not sure


I think it would be awesome if specific spouses give certain benefits and negative effects...

for example, Emily could give a bonus fence effect but Clint charges you more for the blacksmith lol since we “stole” her away
You can't steal a bf/gf from someone that was too scared to even try and romance them to begin with.
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I've been married to Maru, Elliot, Sebastian, Shane & Harvey. Elliot & Sebastian sometimes give you coffee in the morning. IRL or SDV, coffee is excellent.


As I do not play it already that long, my first decision was Harvey. He is a very nice NPC though, warm hearted and loyal. Sometimes, if I am lucky, he does something. (How does Spoiler work? It does not appear for me :(

I was wondering: How are the other guys?


As I do not play it already that long, my first decision was Harvey. He is a very nice NPC though, warm hearted and loyal. Sometimes, if I am lucky, he does something. (How does Spoiler work? It does not appear for me :(

I was wondering: How are the other guys?

So my first playthrough I married Sam & he was doing stuff for me almost every day (fixing fences, petting animals, makes eggs)... I married Sebastian my second playthrough & he literally did nothing but work on his motorcycle. Lol