Does anyone know what causes an error in Sam's reaction while watching Wumbus movie?


Sam should love this movie but there is a musical note instead of a heart inside his speech bubble. The only text that appears is ''Sam'' instead of ''Sam is absolutely enthralled...!''.

"NPCName": "Sam",
"Reactions": [
"Tag": "summer_movie_1",
"Response": "love",
"Whitelist": [],
"SpecialResponses": {
"BeforeMovie": {
"ResponsePoint": null,
"Script": null,
"Text": "[LocalizedText Strings\\MovieReactions:Sam_summer_movie_1_BeforeMovie]"
"DuringMovie": {
"ResponsePoint": null,
"Script": "/playSound reward/emote Sam 32/message Sam \"[LocalizedText Strings\\MovieReactions:Sam_summer_movie_1_DuringMovie_2]\"",
"Text": "[LocalizedText Strings\\MovieReactions:Sam_summer_movie_1_DuringMovie]"

"AfterMovie": {
"ResponsePoint": null,
"Script": null,
"Text": "[LocalizedText Strings\\MovieReactions:Sam_summer_movie_1_AfterMovie]"
Снимок экрана (467).png
Снимок экрана (465).png


Local Legend
Quite odd, are there any factors like mods, a mistimed screenshot, etc. at play here?

Make sure to report it as a bug on the bug thread