Crop Fairy


I would like if you could place something on your farm that would keep the crop fairy away, like with placing a wicked statue in the slime hutch, but instead it makes the crop fairy not come, because i don't like when she makes some of my crops crow.


I just don't like how it looks when some are crown more than the others, as I have plan ed out how my farm looks and when some blueberries for example are crown right next to some that are not i don't like how it looks.


I can understand Sfinxen's annoyance. I mean I kind of like it because essentially I get a free mini harvest, but it can look aesthetically displeasing with very well kept farms. The only thing I can think of would be to maybe lower your luck as much as possible (?No idea if the crop fairy is luck dependent) which may negatively influence the chance of certain events happening such as meteor, crop fairy, witch, etc.

But it would also probably mess with crop quality because I believe that crop quality is luck dependent (?No idea, but it makes sense since luck influences a lot of stuff ingame) so there is a definite loss to your gain of potentially no crop fairy.

I mean if it really bothers you one thing I can think of is to break up larger fields into smaller fields built around a sprinkler like this:

This way if the crop fairy comes it only influences 1 patch, and so it is less ugly than a patch of soil in the midst of a giant field of growing crops.

Plus if you do different types of crops in different patches it looks cool.



Local Legend
While I can understand that getting the crop fairy can mess with your carefully planned planting schedule by speeding things up, and now those plants aren't harvested at the same time as the rest... I have a hard time understanding how an acceleration could bother someone so much they wouldn't want a boost ever.

See, I'm autistic, and this sort of thing really does bother me. Trust me. It's like an itch in the back of my brain that I can't scratch without digging through my skull with my fingernails, and that doesn't sound like a good plan, you know? I really do get it... but I know I can't demand the world change for me all the time, so I've learned some ways to adapt and make the itch go away. In these sorts of instances, what I do is plant something else in that spot with a different growth time in order to make that spot get back into sync with where I want it to be, you know?

Example 1: After 2 days of growth, my plants with an 8 day grow time get crop fairy-ed, I'll plant something that takes 6 days. That way, this crop will finish at the same time as the rest of the 8 day crops, and it can return to having 8 day crops.

Example 2: After 2 days of growth, my plants with a 4 day grown time get crop fairy-ed, I'll plant something that takes 6 days. That way, this crop will finish at the same time as the next planting of the 4 day crops, and then it can return to 4 day crops.

That said, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I probably wouldn't use it if it were implemented, no matter how much this sort of thing bothers me.


While hilarious, I think everyone would prefer a way to toggle it on/off, rather than killing the Crop Fairy and being done with it. 😅😂🤣

Might I suggest, as an alternative, a new shrine to be used?
And maybe a way to lure the Fairy to a specific part of the farm, too. Maybe she could be enticed to grow giant pumpkins or whatever in a specific spot, so people with silly well-ordered farms could ensure giganticrops where they wanted them. :)


See, I'm autistic, and this sort of thing really does bother me. Trust me. It's like an itch in the back of my brain that I can't scratch without digging through my skull with my fingernails, and that doesn't sound like a good plan, you know? I really do get it... but I know I can't demand the world change for me all the time, so I've learned some ways to adapt and make the itch go away. In these sorts of instances, what I do is plant something else in that spot with a different growth time in order to make that spot get back into sync with where I want it to be, you know?
First of all, this is a very clever way to work with the situation. I commend you for rolling with it and adapting in a way that makes sense for you.

I think game designers sometimes put in features to break up the patterns players often fall into, and I see the crop fairy as one example. Another would be something like the trains, as it breaks up your schedule (watering/planting/harvesting/fishing/whatever) to run off to the station for a bit.

I'm not sure if I'm that into being able to disable the fairy, but I think a statue would be the way to go. I think it should disable all of the random events (e.g. meteor, witch). And because of its cost, would be a mid- to late-game feature, so you'd have to be exposed to the possibility of her appearing until you're able to afford it.
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An anti-fairy statue? Works like the wicked statue, but for the fairy.
Optional, and makes it easier for people with OCD!
Make it easy and early to craft, so OCD people who are bothered, can craft it right away.
Maybe Robin having the recipe, costing 50 gold, cheap-ish and early obtainable..... from the start, actually!
I have light OCD, so i'm strong against it, but i get what people with OCD feel, i have the feeling, but can ignore it, so i'd imagine it'd be my OCD times 10 or worse, and since we have a craftable against the Witch, i'm sure it can be built in the game.
I wanted to suggest the recipe to be 100g, but early game one barely has money. Maybe 20g could do, as it would be cheap to craft, and not popular or something, as the people in SDV are good-hearted.
Crafting would be with stone and coal, i think, maybe some fiber, as it comes from weeds, which can destroy crops.
Starting a new character gives us lots of those materials.
10 Fiber + 1 coal + 20 stone ? I don't want people who would feel so much better with it, to lose lots of money and materials for something (the OCD) they cannot do anything about, so i'd suggest a cheap recipe and crafting, and being there from day 1. Plus new craftable XD That's for me, who's gonna do the game 100% (aside from the minigames and Joja) slowly... very slowly, haha!

I'd like a Venustrap, but as crop... like a corrupted crop. Is gonna be in my thread soon, when i remember a few other suggestions i forgot at the moment.
I hope my suggestion for OCD people will be nice!


I think people might like the Crop Fairy more if she was also able to make fruit trees grow. They take 28 days to grow, so her instantly growing a fruit tree would be really helpful, especially if you're in the early game and trying to complete the bundles. Maybe that could be another potential Crop Fairy event variant? Instead of making crops grow, if you have at least one fruit tree growing, she may grow the fruit tree instead.


It's an old thread i see, but even though i have no OCD problem, i think an option per character to disable night events(probably better to be able to choose for each, not for all) would be fun for a challenge!
I'd love to have at least 1 character that has to do everything the hard way, haha.
And in case someone changes their mind, we could have some Fairy Statue that would enable it if we put it on the farm, so we can choose.
This statue would be just for aesthetics on other characters.

Or said statue would work like a Fairy enabler with some range on the challenge based characters.
I think like a Quality or Iridium Sprinkler.
It would still only happen on such night.
Since it's not about balance, it could be sold by Robin. So it's there from day 1.

And for each night event, there'd be an item, which regular characters can use as aesthetics.


What the wicked statue stops the witch ah I've not seen this wish i knew this before all my slimes have been turned black (now they breeding pastel slimes).
Oh crop fairy yes she messed up my rows of neat and orderly crops of pumpkins, 18 rows 2 or 4 neat row of a different crop looks great when all ready to collect all new an shiny foods and flowers, annnd she came on the first night and the top corner of rows 1 to 4 get fairy kissed and bam no more neat row as no time to grow pumpkins there ah annoying.