Converting dialog font to a SpriteFont


Currently, for the "dialog" font Stardew expects a 2D texture with glyphs in a uniform grid. If I want to write a mod which changes that so it looks for a SpriteFont, where would I begin looking? SpriteFonts don't have a lot of tutorials (Stardew-specific or general XNA/Mono info), and most of what exists focuses on turning TTFs into SFs. But in my case I already have a sprite map, I just need wider metrics for 'M', 'W', and ampersand, plus the font I'm recreating has a 2px descender for 'Q', so overall I need a 3px descender to accommodate Q's dropshadow.

So the vanilla font metrics (8px [mostly] uniform glyph width with a max 1px descender) either requires me to adjust the glyphs in question (which is less than ideal), or I force Stardew to do something different. Attempting to simply swap a SF XNB for the 2D texture caused a (fatal) typecasting error. I also assume having the game simply load a SpriteFont instead of a 2D texture for the dialog font is the easiest way to accomplish my goal (the alternative being writing a bunch of tedious exceptions for the glyphs in question).

Any help is appreciated.