Converting Casino Coins into g?


I was playing, and recently unlocked the casino. Once I was there, I realized that there was no way to convert the Casino Coins back into g, though you can spend g to get Casino Coins. I feel like maybe the price should be maybe 3-5g per Casino Coin? Just an idea though:duck:


There are a couple of ways to do this.

Buy stacks of farm warp totems/hardwood fences and dump them in your bin. Hardwood fences have a better qi/g ratio, but warp totems sell for more (i can manip calico jack to get theoretically infinite qi coins, so pure g is more relevant to me).

Or upgrade your trash can, buy the totems/fences and trash them.

I did a run to show this off:
I would like more to exchange Qi coins into Qi gems!

In general I think the Qi story could be more polished:
  1. Mister Qi does some magic stuff similar to the wizard but more alien
  2. Mr. Qi doesn't have much background (compared to the wizard and his wife, Abigail etc.)
  3. The Qi gems are to much separated from the normal "economy" and the rewards to extreme (Magic Bait for example "destroys" the seasons for fishing)
  4. The Qi quests are harder versions of normal quests but without connection to the valley background (for example Willy tells you about the legendary fishes, but nothing about their extended family)
What do you think?


I was playing, and recently unlocked the casino. Once I was there, I realized that there was no way to convert the Casino Coins back into g, though you can spend g to get Casino Coins. I feel like maybe the price should be maybe 3-5g per Casino Coin? Just an idea though:duck:
I think so too.
Maybe you should spoiler tag this.

Lew Zealand

[Original message removed]
Qi Coins work like the rest of the captive currencies in the game as you use them to buy unique, special, or difficult to obtain items, not convert them into g. So there's no reason to change Qi Coins while leaving the others as they are.

The odds at the Slot Machines are tilted enough towards the Farmer winning that over time it amounts to unlimited free Qi Coins. Which therefore would be free g which breaks game balance. The Spinning Wheel at the Fair also works this way, with odds stacked towards the Farmer so she can get more Stars but not to convert into g. The Qi Gems at Ginger work the same way, you can get as many of them as you want though there's no easy multiplication like at the Casino or Fair. Even the Golden Walnuts work this way, though those are a fixed total amount like Bitcoin and seems to have similar difficulty when trying to find the last one, dagnabbit!

Instead these minigames are all really about buying those otherwise unobtainable items, so play the games and enjoy the prizes. And fill Ginger and your Farm with Ancient Froot and Kegs for your super g profit dreams!
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