Console to Pc!

Hello everyone!
I Used to frequent the other forums and finally noticed this new forum and had to jump over! Anyway, huge fan of the game. I own it on console, and just bought it on sale on Steam for pc. I figured it was appropriate considering I finally have a good gaming laptop. Anything I should know about the pc version, or anything I should check it?

I have not made a map yet on pc, but looking forward to making my new farm(s).


I happen to own both versions. Gameplay is literally the same except for controls (You have more control over where you place stuff, plow the soil, and stuff like that on PC). You can also add mods to the PC version which adds for hours and hours of more game time. I have a map with a group of friends, and we use Steam to connect for multiplayer, and Discord to communicate. I hope this helps! :sebastian::heart::frog:
Sounds great, I appreciate the guidance. I heard of a time mod that makes the clock run slower so you have a much longer day. That was one of the few I've heard of that a lot of people recommend.