Console Controls for Eating


It would be a huge quality of life improvement if the controller button for eating were different than for filling kegs. Or at least if there were a tick box in the options menu to temporarily disable eating while filling them. I have lost count of how many times I have accidentally eaten a starfruit while trying to fill all the kegs on my farm.

Edit: OMG, all this time I have been playing I didn't realize that you can just hold down the button ("A" in the case of Xbox) to continuously fill the kegs. And it works for planting and fertilizing, too. I feel like such an idiot.
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Edit: OMG, all this time I have been playing I didn't realize that you can just hold down the button ("A" in the case of Xbox) to continuously fill the kegs. And it works for planting and fertilizing, too. I feel like such an idiot.
No need to feel that way. That's life- live and learn! Full disclosure: I didn't know one could hold the button to fill kegs either.