Solved Complete Collection [iOS]


Hi all!

As far as I know I have donated everything to the museum (at least I have filled in the collection pages) but this achievement still hasn’t popped for me. Gunther already gave me the key, so no clue what I am doing wrong.

Any ideas? Playing IOS 1.5

Lew Zealand

The Collection tab is unfortunately a separate tally from the Museum Collection and you'll need to go through each thing you've donated to the Museum, there should be 95 in all. On my most recent run I found everything but forgot to donate one of the Bones and had run it through the Bone Mill already! So I had to go back and grind for that Bone on Ginger until I got it again.

But c'mon, but was worth it to get that Deluxe Speed-Gro!


Well son of a raccoon! Dang, guess it’s time for the great counting. Thanks, friend!
To make it easier, count empty spaces first. You should have 7 when the museum is completed. Typical things to forget are the Dino egg, prismatic shard and valuable gem stones.

since you’re on mobile, you can also use the stardew checkup. Upload your save file and it’ll tell you what you’re missing.


I had completely forgotten about the checker - turns out I am missing a diamond, quartz, prehistoric rib and tibia. Guess what I’m doing now, ha.