Community Building projects


I would love to see more opportunities for players to help better the community! Just how we fixed up the community centre, I would love for something else to take place that would add more quests to the game but also benefits the entire community. Eg. renovating the spa/ trainyard area so that it includes an outdoor pool, or cleaning up the little beach area by the sewer. Just small things that help with the overall quality of the community and boost involvement/adds more story lines with NPCs


I agree. My sister and I have been playing the game on and off for a few years and started a new co-op a little bit ago. We finally finished the Community Center and installing the theater and it seems we are running low and Community Goals. It would be nice to have a few more to work towards as a goal set.


I had the suggestion that since the junimos were the one's who helped renovate the hall, they could move to other buildings in the town and renovate other things as well! Renovation is good either way ^_^