Clothes Shop in Town


We can't buy any clothes from Town, we only can buy hats. Add clothes to Jojo Market and Pierre, or add a Clothes Shop.
There can be seasonal clothes in every season. Also you can give the option to try the clothes on in a "changing room" before we buy the clothes.

Edit : Emily can do this job, she can have a shop or stand for sell clothes.

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Would these be the same clothes you can tailor or buy from Sandy, or brand new, different items? Would you imagine a permanent store, or maybe like the traveling cart, or like the shopping at festivals? Could fit in nicely at the night market. :)


Would these be the same clothes you can tailor or buy from Sandy, or brand new, different items? Would you imagine a permanent store, or maybe like the traveling cart, or like the shopping at festivals? Could fit in nicely at the night market. :)

There's over than 200 clothes on character creation menu, so maybe we can buy them from Clothes Shop and keep them in our wardrobe. We can change it from Wizard, but it's not the same with keeping clothes in our wardrobe.
Also I support your idea too. There can be seasonal new clothes and emily can have a stand for sell clothes just like ice cream stand, only 3 days open in a week.
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