Children update

Should concordape add more to having kids

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I know right?? I play with my human on console, and it's even worse player on player marriage, like the kids can't even go to the fares or anything, it's sad enough they're forever babies.. like I wanna watch the fruits of my labour grow and age like starfruit wine, not just the technically good of an iridium chub.. I wanna carry my lil baby in a front pack, you could buy it from the general store, or Evelyn could show you how to make one as a heart event or something, it could be so much better 😭
I feel your pain


I too want to suggest something further with the kids. I agree with having them be more personalized based on who you have them with. I think too we should be able to change what they wear (like being able to tailor clothes for them only it requires 2 cloth instead of one?). They should also be able to SAY THINGS. Maybe after a year they say 1-2 words and then after 2 years they say sentences. And maybe those sentences are a reflection of the spouse you had them with and things they would say/ show interest in. I do agree that we should be able to bring them with us places like outside. Sort of like the pets. The can have free range of the yard and running around. Once the lights come on the kids go back inside. There should also be the possibility of them getting older. Having them be in toddler stage is a form of torture to my soul. Also there are so many different forms of single beds in the game with barely anyone to use them, so having them grow so they can use those beds would be cool. Perhaps once you reach 10 hearts with a child they grow to be a -mini me- version of their other parent and adopt features of them (not sure how it would work for 2 players) and then at 14 hearts they are like a 'preteen' and can sleep in singles beds. I have a lot of ideas around this could go on and on and on