Children age up


It would be so dope if kids can also age up and help around the house but idk if I’ll mess up the balance because what if we DONT age up but stay the same, that would be kinda weird. But also having your kids take care of the farm after you die and them starting over with relationships and having kids would be too much I think. It’s a nice thought to age them but you have to think about all factors.


It would but weird for a game to kill off the main farmer, unless they make a Stardew Valley sequel game, that you can transport your file to that one.
Play one of the kids. xD


I was thinking about this too maybe they can make them grow up until they reach adolescence. So, they can help us a little on our farm and why not have hearts events. It's a lot of work I suppose !


I would love to see them age as well. I think it'd be cool if the were able to interact with the other villagers in town such as with Vincent and Jas at one stage or even eventually work for villagers like Pierre, Robin, or Clint! It would nice to be able to talk to them and have them help out around the farm as well