Windows Cheating death and possibly softlocking using a bomb in the casino in multiplayer

Cookie Donger

So the other scenario we found that gets some interesting behavior with bombs was using the slot machines in the casino (Blackjack didn't work unfortunately). If I go into the casino and start playing slots, and my friend kills me with a bomb while I'm playing slots, the game will stutter a second and say that I've been knocked unconscious, but I can continue playing slots. When I exit the slots, my character is frozen and I can only swing my tools, but I cannot even pass out from exhaustion from swinging my tools (2 AM does nothing as well, you're just stuck). I'm invisible to my friend but I can drop stuff for him. The only way I found to escape was using my return scepter (possibly a warp totem too), in which my character just teleports as if nothing happened, and I don't die.