Yes more hair and eye colors and more skin color options would be lovely if possible! I tried making my tiefling from D&D for funsies but I couldn't get the right skin color and the yellow eyes were a little too pale </3
Its difficult to get a good yellow, orange or blue. And magenta is impossible.Me too my yellow hair is normally green
I would love a coral color!Hehe I don't know why I pictured a bunch of the NPCs in mini burgers (Sliders) rofl! I agree with the colors though! I remember trying to get pink/coral but couldn't ):
I can not get an orange or yellow that I like for the hair. Even when I spend a lot of time and try to carefully adjust. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm too picky. Both seem likely.can you explain what you mean by more color options? the colors seemed pretty wild and limitless to me
skin tones though it would be cool if those were editable the same way hair/eyes are