Windows Bugged mouse and scrolling


I just started a new game but quickly noticed I can't play due to mouse and scroll behaviour. When I start the game the mouse keeps being drawn to the top left corner and due to that I can't click on anything. When I open the menu it stops. When I open the options in the menu the scroll is broken too. I scroll down but it keeps being drawn up. I noticed the same thing happening already in the title screen. When I click on the ? and try to scroll down it behaves the same, keeps being drawn up. When I go into the creation of a new character and click on the Advanced game options I also can't click on anything because the mouse is drawn to the OK button no matter how much I try to move it. This happens even when I open an older game save. It also doesn't matter if I am in the full screen or not, it does the same thing. Even if the game is just a tiny window it keeps being drawn to the top left corner of the entire screen, not the game's corner.

I restarted the game multiple times, unplugged the mouse, restarted pc too. Nothing changed. The game version is v1.5.6. Hotfix 3