EDIT: Retested, and confirmed fixed in the December 3rd hotfix update on Steam.
On new BuildID: 7825984
Much appreciated!
Basically the title.
My OS: Linux - Ubuntu Mate 18.04
Build ID: 7803903
File with bad data:
There's a save, and extra info in the linked thread.
As I initially reported this in the Beta thread, but it appears it was missed:
Full terminal output to show the error:
On new BuildID: 7825984
Much appreciated!
Basically the title.
My OS: Linux - Ubuntu Mate 18.04
Build ID: 7803903
File with bad data:
There's a save, and extra info in the linked thread.
As I initially reported this in the Beta thread, but it appears it was missed:
Full terminal output to show the error:
MysticTempest@Aescylon-3:/media/MysticTempest/1cb85229-4d9f-4b9a-bbec-34ec190cba3f/Linux Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley$ ./StardewValley
./StardewValley: line 7: sw_vers: command not found
NoFpsCap: This feature is not available
setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=
savePreferences(); async=False, languageCode=fr
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/MysticTempest/.steam/linux64/' OK.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 480
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198054134194 [API loaded no]
Steam logged on: True
Initializing GalaxySDK
Requesting Steam app ticket
loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=
savePreferences(); async=False, languageCode=fr
loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=fr
LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode CHANGING from 'en' to 'fr'
LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode CHANGED from 'en' to 'fr'
Signing into GalaxySDK
Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:321 Y:208 Width:1280 Height:720}
gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
regular stream detected...
Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:321 Y:208 Width:1280 Height:720}
TextBox.Selected is now 'True'.
TextBox.Selected is now 'False'.
loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=
gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:12.4844986'
setupEventCommands() registered '130' methods
Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:321 Y:208 Width:1280 Height:720}
Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:321 Y:208 Width:1280 Height:720}
Warping to Farm
Warping to BusStop
Warping to Town
Warping to MovieTheater
movieScreenAmbience/-2000 -2000/farmer1 -1000 -1000 0/changeToTemporaryMap MovieTheaterScreen false/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_setup/ambientLight 0 0 0/viewport 6 8 true/pause 500/warp farmer1 1 15/advancedMove farmer1 false 0 -5 10 0 4 1000/pause 1000/pause 3000/proceedPosition /pause 1000/proceedPosition farmer/waitForAllStationary/pause 100/positionOffset farmer1 0 32/positionOffset 0 8/ambientLight 210 210 120 true/pause 500/viewport move 0 -1 4000/pause 5000/playMusic Upper_Ambient/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 0 False/pause 1000/playSound cavedrip/pause 1000/playSound cavedrip/spriteText 7 "Ça hurle sous la pluie"/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 1 False/message ""Les images suivantes ont été récupérées à partir d’un caméscope abandonné à 50 km au sud de Grampleton""/playMusic rain/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 2 False/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/pause 2000/playSound rainsound/pause 1000/message ""Vous avez entendu ça ? Je crois que ça vient de la forêt... Allons-y..." "/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 3 False/pause 1000/message ""(Respiration bruyante) ... Regardez !""/playSound leafrustle/specificTemporarySprite woodswalker/pause 1000/playSound rainsound/pause 5000/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 4 True/pause 500/playSound leafrustle/pause 500/playSound leafrustle/pause 400/playSound leafrustle/pause 500/playSound rainsound/message "(La caméra zoom vers la forêt)"/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 4 True/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 5 1700/playSound batScreech/spriteText 4 "Agh! "/pause 20/message ""Oh, c’est toi, Gary... *halète* *halète*... Arrête de me tenir le bras !""/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 6 False/specificTemporarySprite movieBush/pause 2000/specificTemporarySprite shakeBush/playSound leafrustle/pause 700/specificTemporarySprite shakeBushStop/pause 900/specificTemporarySprite shakeBush/playSound leafrustle/pause 700/specificTemporarySprite shakeBushStop/pause 900/message ""Regardez ! C’est dans le buisson...""/...'"/pause 2000/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 6 False/specificTemporarySprite shakeBush/playSound leafrustle/specificTemporarySprite evilRabbit/playSound dustMeep/specificTemporarySprite shakeBushStop/spriteText 4 "Aiiie ! "/pause 500/spriteText 4 "Oh... "/pause 500/playSound rainsound/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 500/specificTemporarySprite removeSprite 777/specificTemporarySprite removeSprite 778/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 7 False/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 7 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 8 80/pause 50/specificTemporarySprite movieFrame 7 9 80/pause 50/message "(On peut entendre des cris étouffés et un étrange raffut)"/pause 500/specificTemporarySprite movieTheater_screen 7 4 False/pause 1000/playSound rainsound/pause 1000/spriteText 4 "Cette chose est toujours quelque part..."/stopMusic/fade/viewport -1000 -1000/pause 500/message "Le film est terminé pour ce soir. Nous espérons que vous avez passé un bon moment !"/pause 500/requestMovieEnd
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
ERROR: Invalid command: ...'"
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