Windows [BUG] V-Sync not working.


Until the update 1.5.6 i had zero problems running Stardew Valley. Now, strangely, i have a screen tearing problem. When i go to full screen mode, my screen is tearing no matter what. Even though the V-Sync is on, the screen still tears. My only solution to this was hiding my taskbar and playing it windowed, though this one has different problems, but it's not crucial. The thing is i can't turn on V-Sync! This is ruining my game. I hope whoever reading my thread can help me fix this error.


Do not use Vsync or windowed mode, it adds too much input lag, making fishing impossible. Screen tearing is on the devs end, unless they offer a real solution on our end. Which they do not, they keep dodging questions on the issue.


Vsync never works, and it adds up to 50ms of input lag. It is not an excuse to ignore screen tearing caused by the developers. They are ignoring us, their game should be reported for false advertising. The game does not look as smooth as they do in the trailers, it is just a bunch of stylish art that is distorted by screen tearing!