PC [BUG] Two minor bugs related to Clint.


1. When receiving a metal bar from Clint (one of either copper, iron or gold) it is possible to simply start over the day to get a different one such as one that was originally iron turning into gold.

2. When you've given a tool to Clint to be upgraded, when you give it back it is possible to switch what you're holding in your hand while receiving it to change the text. I had this happen while upgrading my watering can to copper and got the text switch to "Chocolate Cake" instead.


The first one isn't a phenomenon exclusive to Clint. It works with letters containing presents from any NPC. Basically, if you know what items the NPC typically sends as presents in the mail, you can save scum until you get the item you want by exiting to the title screen and reloading the day. However, the second one definitely does sound like a bug.
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