When im cooking,i find some wrong from translation.
I played in Chinese,so i think it's a Translation error.
when i make "完美早餐",the first thing in list is"荷包蛋",also it's from the menu.
But it is not the same NAME!
of course two of them is the same meaning in Chinese. But i think it is necessary to unify the names.Because I didn't find the first thing at the time of production,until I read WIKI.
This is not a big deal, but I hope it will improve.I love my farm so much.
I submitted this messages through translation, hope to understand.
I played in Chinese,so i think it's a Translation error.
when i make "完美早餐",the first thing in list is"荷包蛋",also it's from the menu.
But it is not the same NAME!
of course two of them is the same meaning in Chinese. But i think it is necessary to unify the names.Because I didn't find the first thing at the time of production,until I read WIKI.
This is not a big deal, but I hope it will improve.I love my farm so much.

I submitted this messages through translation, hope to understand.