PC [BUG] Several Bugs on Community Center Bundles


Right after the first cutscene with Rasmodius, when I open the Community Center menu, the Spring Foraging Bundle is completed automatically and as I unlock other rooms and bundles more bugs show up. Some keep being completed automatically, others ask for more or less items for the bundle to be completed, and then some bundles change their names to "Bundle 1", "Bundle 2", and so forth.

I'm playing in Portuguese.

please help me fix this please ple
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Local Legend
Sadly, I can not help much, but because it may be relevant...

Are either of you using mods?

Did either of you shuffle the CC bundles for this playthrough?


I found the problem, every time you load a save with SMAPI and NOT English, there is a chance every bundle's name will change, and I presume this also screws bundle slots up too.
However, I don't know how to restore the saved file that has already been corrupted by this.
Currently the way to avoid this bug is either to play this without SMAPI, or play this with SMAPI and in English.


Sadly, I can not help much, but because it may be relevant...

Are either of you using mods?

Did either of you shuffle the CC bundles for this playthrough?
I was using mods when the bug first-appeared but it persisted when I played vanilla.

I created another farm after this bug reported and used the mixed bundles instead and the bugs were gone until today, when the bundle names started being changed to "Bundle 1", and 2 and 3. You get the picture. The items in the bundles are still intact, though.


Staff member
I was using mods when the bug first-appeared but it persisted when I played vanilla.

I created another farm after this bug reported and used the mixed bundles instead and the bugs were gone until today, when the bundle names started being changed to "Bundle 1", and 2 and 3. You get the picture. The items in the bundles are still intact, though.
This is very likely an issue with SMAPI. If you aren't currently, you should install SMAPI 3.9.5 from https://smapi.io/. Once you launch the game through SMAPI, load the affected save, and then use the command regenerate_bundles confirm in the console.
I was using mods when the bug first-appeared but it persisted when I played vanilla.
Just wanted to mention, it's very, very common for issues created by mods to persist or even worsen after uninstalling them. Continuing to see an issue in vanilla after playing with mods usually just means that the mod made changes to your save file itself.

Caio Fabricius

I finally found a way of solving it!
I play in portuguese language and had the same problem.

Before doing this, make a backup of your save file.
What to do:
Find the file of your save.
(To do it, press Windows + R to show a 'run' dialogue box and the paste this exact text: %appdata%\StardewValley\Saves
Then locate your save file and open it with notepad.
Then search (Ctrl+F) for "bundledata".
Under it there will be the definitions of the bundles (and the number of slots of it).
It may be hard to visualize the different lines, but they are like:
"Room/16</string></key><value><string>Winter Foraging/O 498 30/412 1 0 414 1 0 416 1 0 418 1 0/6/6</string></value></item><item><key><string>Crafts"
I put in bold and underline the information that you will have to change, in the line above. It`s the 0/6/6.
(if you reduce the size of the window of the notepad it gets easier to visualize)
So, now, you have to create a new character in the game, a new save, that will come with the original number of slots and names of the bundles.
After creating it, open the save file of the new save and search for that same line there.
All you will have to do now is to copy the number of the new save and replace what is on the old save file, in the lines of the specific bundles that are having bugs.
Usually in the new saves, there are only two number and one bar.
Like, instead of 0/6/6, it will probably be like 0/6.
After replacing it, save, close and open the game.
Everything will be normal again :)
Just it.
In my case I had to do it in the Winter Foraging and in two of Fishing, on Cook and Field Research and they are all working now.
After doing it, I started to play and completed the bundle of Winter Foraging, and it was the last of the room left.
I could get the reward normally, the cutscene happened normally and the bridge was reconstructed, everything normal.

I was really frustrated afeter spending so many hours in this save, to have to start another one or to not be able to finish the game properly.
But now everything is fine!
I hope it helps.


(This issue should have been fixed in a SMAPI update, so anyone still experiencing it should make sure they are up to date! You can also use the command regenerate_bundles to reset the CC bundles altogether and then just spawn yourself back the items you need if you don't want to mess with anything :) )
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(This issue should have been fixed in a SMAPI update, so anyone still experiencing it should make sure they are up to date! You can also use the command regenerate_bundles to reset the CC bundles altogether and then just spawn yourself back the items you need if you don't want to mess with anything :) )
I'm still experiencing issues with bundles on SMAPI 3.11.0. I'm playing multiplayer (2 people on LAN) and I'm using english language and she is using portuguese. Even after regenerating bundles, they are getting bugged and item slots are missing (i.e. I can complete Enchantress bundle with only 1 item). Is anyone experiencing the same? Did anyone find out a solution, other than regenerating or text editing save files?


Local Legend
I'm still experiencing issues with bundles on SMAPI 3.11.0. I'm playing multiplayer (2 people on LAN) and I'm using english language and she is using portuguese. Even after regenerating bundles, they are getting bugged and item slots are missing (i.e. I can complete Enchantress bundle with only 1 item). Is anyone experiencing the same? Did anyone find out a solution, other than regenerating or text editing save files?
If I understand correctly, it's getting borked because she is using Portuguese. Yes, regenerating the bundles fixes it... temporarily, but she's still using Portuguese. Could she play comfortably enough in English and see if this behavior ceases? To be clear, I'm not recommending you should play that way forever, but asking just because it may be relevant.


If I understand correctly, it's getting borked because she is using Portuguese. Yes, regenerating the bundles fixes it... temporarily, but she's still using Portuguese. Could she play comfortably enough in English and see if this behavior ceases? To be clear, I'm not recommending you should play that way forever, but asking just because it may be relevant.
I think we can try it! I understood from another post that recent versions of SMAPI fixed the issue, that is why I mentioned it. The issue on GitHub is even marked as closed. I'll try it using English on both server and client to test it out and post here the results.
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Had the same bug in the multiplayer while playing with my friend.

We played both on Russian (and my friend can't really play in English) and experienced this bug several times in half of an in-game month - at the end of the summer (28th) and in the middle of fall (15th). In the meantime somewhere in fall (I think it was day 11) my friend experienced a bug with bundle names but I still had everything as normal and after relogging my friend didn't have it anymore.

We both are using latest version of SMAPI and have similar mod lists. After the summer my friend even disabled one very helpful mod (UI Info Suite) and we both disabled "Community Center Helper" that we got installed in a same day the bug happened - because we suspected them for breaking bundles. But after when bug happened again we were not quite sure why it was breaking until we stumbled on this thread.

I think I will write this in the git, because it seems that this issue is not really fixed.


Same problem as with AppleNorris, same language, but SMAPI version is 3.11.0, bug happened between mid-fall and first of winter.


I have the same problem about needing more or fewer items for the community center bundles to complete. I played with my boyfriend with a mod for stoping time in multiplayer mode. He played in Chinese and I played in English. Our SMAPI version is 3.12.2, and this bug happened very early but I didn't notice it since it's my first time playing multiplayer mode. I thought it's a game feature or something lol
Now I am very worried that we can't complete the community canter, but we are already at the end of fall, so it would be hard to restart.


Local Legend
I have the same problem about needing more or fewer items for the community center bundles to complete. I played with my boyfriend with a mod for stoping time in multiplayer mode. He played in Chinese and I played in English. Our SMAPI version is 3.12.2, and this bug happened very early but I didn't notice it since it's my first time playing multiplayer mode. I thought it's a game feature or something lol
Now I am very worried that we can't complete the community canter, but we are already at the end of fall, so it would be hard to restart.
Have you tried, as a workaround, playing in English after regenerating your bundles with the "regenerate_bundles" command?


Now I am very worried that we can't complete the community canter, but we are already at the end of fall, so it would be hard to restart.
I'd suggest you to make screenshots of what bundles you have done (and partially done), then type "regenerate_bundles" in the SMAPI console on the host machine (whoever of you who have the farm save file on the computer).
This command will respawn all bundles, but you would need to fill them all again. For this I'd recommend you to use "CJB Item Spawner" mod, which you can find on Nexus Mods. Then stop time and refill your bundles according to the screenshots you made. It will take about 30 minutes to do so, though.
This way you will have no issues if you have completed bundle but it still wants more items.

If you encounter this issue again - use the workaround that "Caio Fabricius" found on this thread - it will take literally 5 minutes to fix, though you will be forced to restart a day - so I'd suggest to do this on the morning of the day you plan to fill bundles.
Also it would be better to use Notepad++ for this, because save files can be massive.

This bug always duplicates "/{NUMBER}" before "</string>" so you would need to delete them.
Like if you have "0/4/4" - then delete last "/4" to make "0/4".
Or if you have "0/3/3" - then delete last "/3" to make "0/3".
In my experience bundles that are most likely to get damaged are: Fall Crops, Quality Crops, Fall Foraging, Winter Foraging, Exotic Foraging, River Fish, Field Research, Chef's.
I named them exactly as they are stated in the save file, so it would be easier for you to find them.

Playing on English can be a workaround for this issue, but if you are not familiar with the language - then it would be for the best to save it for the last resort.

Currently this bug is marked as a milestone for the SMAPI 3.14.0, so possibly after this update it will be okay to stop worrying about this issue.


Hello i have a problem with my save in the cuminity center, im trying to make a random bundles and, in the fish farmer bundles i dont can put the roe in there.

Someone can help me please?

I dont use any mod in my save.
Hello i have a problem with my save in the cuminity center, im trying to make a random bundles and, in the fish farmer bundles i dont can put the roe in there.

Someone can help me please?

I dont use any mod in my save.
Could you share an error log message? –if possible?
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