Solved [BUG] Russian localization breaks Professor Snail introduction



Field 24 should be "changeName SafariGuy Проф. Улиткин", and right now it is just "Проф. Улиткин" which results in cutscene just breaks - farmer and professor stare at each other for eternity (or until player skips the cutscene, which is still possible)

I can't check if this mistake exists in other versions of the game, but it currently is in the steam release, making it impossible to read his introduction dialog

Also "Проф. Улиткин" does not fit into the UI field on the screen, leaving just "Проф.". Yet "Проф.Улиткин" (without space after dot) does, so this should also be changed. I don't see any other place where he's name is mentioned, so I'm not sure on where it comes from if the cutscene is skipped, but the game uses "Professor Snail" afterwards

And it looks like this been around for a while, as I saw people talking about it back in 2021
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Ok, I see. The way naming is implemented, and because Professor Snail isn't actually "talkable" npc - just like Gunther - he has no name specified anywhere. And UNLIKE Gunter he does not have his own name in the NPCNames, and he's not checked in the translateName method inside NPC class

So the localization teams have no way to change his name as a string, but can do this inside the cutscenes