Android [BUG] Robin is running around on my farm and creeping me out


I woke up this morning and in the corner of my screen I see Robin being an absolute speed demon and just running in circles near the grandpa shrine or whatever. I talk to her and she says, "Sorry if it smells weird in here, [my name]. It's my husband's bizarre science project..." I wish I could get a video of it but she stopped once I talked to her. I have a picture of her just standing there though. She finished construction on my barn 3 days ago now and I don't have any other projects going so I don't understand why she's here. I'm on the latest mobile version,
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It's one of Maru's prototypes for MarILDA that was made to look like Robin as a joke, and has gotten loose. It's not bothering anyone, just analyzing the grass.


same thing just happened to me after she built my barn lol i was just chopping trees and she came running up on me so fast i thought she was gonna yell at me for cutting too many trees or something 😅


Something similar keeps happening to me and my friend, accept instead of normal dialogue and robin moving around, Robin herself just stands there and says ”Robin is busy” in the third person might I add. I think Robin might be in a cult, I’m afraid for my animals. Once she was even in my friend’s house!

Edit: I’m in my eleventh year after multiple device transfers, but my friend is still very new, I’m not sure what kind of bug this is but it’s creepy.
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