PC [BUG] No sound at all.


Something odd that happened with the latest update, seeing as there were no sound changes in the update log, but what happens is that there is no sound at all. No music, no sounds, nothing.
I´ve tried every method I´ve found online, and seeing as there was no recent thread about it, I thought I might as well post one myself just in case others have the same issue.
First of all, what platform do you play on? If you play on PC try and go through your audio settings and make sure that everything is in order and it's not doing something weird. If you play on something else, look at the SDV settings and check that all sound is on. Because it is possible that it reset your sound settings or something like that. Tell me if any of this works, and if it doesn't we can try and figure something else out.


First of all, what platform do you play on? If you play on PC try and go through your audio settings and make sure that everything is in order and it's not doing something weird. If you play on something else, look at the SDV settings and check that all sound is on. Because it is possible that it reset your sound settings or something like that. Tell me if any of this works, and if it doesn't we can try and figure something else out.
I do play on PC, and I've tried those fixes. My drivers are all up to date and there's nothing funky in terms of my sound systems, and the settings in game are all set up correctly.
Thank you for your answer by the way.