PC BUG- Multiplayer freezes in community center completion scene


Couch multiplayer- when community center is completed, leaving the farm triggers the cut scene as usual the day after completing the community center. During this scene, player 1 appears as usual to go through the event, player 2 has no sprite visible but can click through text. This continues until the part where Morris is supposed to enter; player 1's screen shows Mayor Lewis stepping to the side and the player's sprite stepping up next to him. Player 2's screen shows Mayor Lewis walking off screen and then the scene freezes.

Player 1 is able to continue through the rest of the scene and complete the day; player 2 is locked in the community center and forced to fall asleep wherever he/she/they were in order to continue gameplay.


It’s 2024 and co-op game on my Nintendo Switch did this to me as well! So frustrating to be player 2 in this game sometimes. Player 1 went to bed but didn’t fall asleep so 2am rolled around but I’m still stuck in cinema purgatory waiting for Mayor Lewis to come back on screen. Is there a way to finish the cinema and then the day?
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It’s 2024 and co-op game on my Nintendo Switch did this to me as well! So frustrating to be player 2 in this game sometimes. Player 1 went to bed but didn’t fall asleep so 2am rolled around but I’m still stuck in cinema purgatory waiting for Mayor Lewis to come back on screen. Is there a way to finish the cinema and then the day?
Update: The way we solved it was for player 1 to log us off the game then P1 logs in and chooses co-op but player 2 does NOT press start button and log in on their controller until after P1 goes to town and does the community cinema and entire day, and goes to bed and starts the next day by themself before P2 can press the start(plus sign) button. When I started the next day as P2 I didn’t have the community cinema at all but at least I’m not stuck in cut scene h3ll.


Update: The way we solved it was for player 1 to log us off the game then P1 logs in and chooses co-op but player 2 does NOT press start button and log in on their controller until after P1 goes to town and does the community cinema and entire day, and goes to bed and starts the next day by themself before P2 can press the start(plus sign) button. When I started the next day as P2 I didn’t have the community cinema at all but at least I’m not stuck in cut scene h3ll.
Thank you for your post! Found it when we encountered the same issue but I was able to press the "-" button on the controller and just skipped the scene ☺ I hope this helps.


I came here today after encountering this issue for the first time in a multiplayer game where my partner was hosting. We tried several approaches and we're just about to give up and just let him have the trophy and achievement when we fixed it. I had my menu screen open while he approached the town and triggered the scene, and this meant that the cutscene was able to trigger and play as intended, and at the end of it, I still received the award and was able to continue with the day as usual. This was on Playstation 5 console and we had already attempted to try and approach it several times, so there is a chance that it randomly resolved, but it appears that player 2 having their menu open will sort this issue on the basis of this experience.

Hope this helps anyone else encountering this issue.