Switch Bug list since update


Hey just sharing a list of bugs/causes of crashes encountered since the update (and weren't issues before).

These have all exclusively occured in local coop/ split screen with two players on the switch.

All these occured between year 2 winter day 12 - 16

-The game is now incredibly janky, would previously glitch on occasion when playing but now it is almost continuous. It was fixed when one player 'left the session'. It's not unplayable, bit it's close.

- Placing any sort of bomb in the skull cavern on any floor causes an immediate full game crash. I haven't tried placing a bomb anywhere else, after two occasions we got bored of restarting.

- animation glitch; when one player was in the mines on floor 1, the sword swipe, pickaxe hit and rock breaking animations froze on the screen, meaning the action markers would not disappear. It also did not count the rock as breaking, so no material was gathered. This was a one time issue we havent been able to replicate.

-Finishing the final/hidden bundle with caviar. After going to bed, the game crashed fully, when loading the earnings screen. I think triggering the cinema to appear caused this.

- Earnings screen loading has really slowed down. We were on the black screen prior to loading for around ten seconds (we thought the game had crashed).

I'll update this with anything else we encounter - though we may hold off playing as the jank is getting a bit too much.

All the same, the update is great and has changed the game massively (big improvements across the board - though Im not a big fan of the new fishing meter noise). Massive fan of the book seller and the new skills side of things - always amazed how concerned ape keeps finding new ideas!


My son and I love discovering the new stuff, but have experienced most of the bugs detailed above as well, unfortunately. It’s to the point where I have to stow my bombs before going to the mines so I’m not tempted to use them (so many bomb-able rock formations!). We’ve played for hundreds of hours and this was our first time seeing a hard crash. It’s kind of put me off the game.

The lag and frame rate issues have given me serious pause as well (no pun intended). It was occasionally annoying to play on Switch when the lag hit, but it’s pretty brutal now. :(

The grinding noise when fishing is a bug, too. It occasionally corrects to the standard sound.

We’ve also noticed a vertical line of leaves that travels across the screen in Fall. Sometimes they’ll be scattered on the screen, but most of the time it’s the wall of Fall.

So appreciative of the massive amount of new content and value this game provides! CA is most definitely the GOAT and Stardew is up there with HK for our top games. Hope the game breaking bugs can be ironed out soon, at least. Would love to continue to explore this world. :)


Hey just sharing a list of bugs/causes of crashes encountered since the update (and weren't issues before).

These have all exclusively occured in local coop/ split screen with two players on the switch.

All these occured between year 2 winter day 12 - 16

-The game is now incredibly janky, would previously glitch on occasion when playing but now it is almost continuous. It was fixed when one player 'left the session'. It's not unplayable, bit it's close.

- Placing any sort of bomb in the skull cavern on any floor causes an immediate full game crash. I haven't tried placing a bomb anywhere else, after two occasions we got bored of restarting.

- animation glitch; when one player was in the mines on floor 1, the sword swipe, pickaxe hit and rock breaking animations froze on the screen, meaning the action markers would not disappear. It also did not count the rock as breaking, so no material was gathered. This was a one time issue we havent been able to replicate.

-Finishing the final/hidden bundle with caviar. After going to bed, the game crashed fully, when loading the earnings screen. I think triggering the cinema to appear caused this.

- Earnings screen loading has really slowed down. We were on the black screen prior to loading for around ten seconds (we thought the game had crashed).

I'll update this with anything else we encounter - though we may hold off playing as the jank is getting a bit too much.

All the same, the update is great and has changed the game massively (big improvements across the board - though Im not a big fan of the new fishing meter noise). Massive fan of the book seller and the new skills side of things - always amazed how concerned ape keeps finding new ideas!
I haven’t even got to see any further because nothing fits on our screen. We can’t see our energy or anyone’s full text :p


Playing on Switch split screen and we've also encountered
  • Overall laggy gameplay
  • Bombs crashing the game
  • Sword animation/unable to pick up resources glitch
  • Weird fishing noise
  • Work bench not showing full number of items
  • One player's weapon special causing a cooldown on the other player's weapons



previously mentioned in this thread is the Wall of Fall, i have a screenshot here of what it looks like, albiet a bit more spread out than when it initially spawns in. i also have a screenshot of another bug, the crafting table count is no longer accurate. you can see here that the scarecrow is craftable, but its only displaying the count in my pack and not in the neighboring chests.

these are the main bugs ive noticed so far, along with the significant and frequent lags (happened a couple times when fishing up lava eels, didnt go well lol). i tried blowing up each type of bomb in the regular and skull mines, but didnt have any crashes. havent tried it with the volcano one tho, might check later.


We have also been playing local coop/split screen with two players on the Switch (version 1.6.9), and have encountered many of these issues.

We're in fall, and on player 2's screen the leaves just "fall" in one long strip from top to bottom, not scattered across the screen. This seems to happen after loading a different area of the map.

Player 1 was collecting ancient fruit and player 2 was putting fruit into casks and the game crashed. We got the message, "Software closed because an error occurred."

We've also experienced the weird sound when fishing.

The earnings screen between days has different amounts for each player, even though we have combined money. Once the new day loads, the amounts at the top right match for both players and seems correct. At first we thought it was based on what each of us put in the shipping bin, but that's not the case. It seems kind of random.

We're also experiencing the crafting table count issue. In the past, it would show how many of one item you could craft based on the available resources, and also how much of each resource you have in the inventory. Now it's all zeros next to how many you have in your inventory ( adjacent chests). But at least you can still craft what you need.


We have experienced many of the reported problems in this thread. Switch 1.6.9, running on two switches, playing via Local multiplayer.
  1. The "wall of leaves" happens for both fall as well as spring blossoms. Just move to different areas and it happens.
  2. Bombs dropped by either player in multiplayer cause anyone who isn't the host to hard crash back to the Switch homescreen. Doesn't matter if it is cherry bombs or normal bombs. Particularly repeatable in the Skull Caves.
  3. Killing a Hot Head in the volcano triggers the bomb effect which crashes the game just like placing bombs does.
  4. In multiplayer with one collecting ancient fruit and the other placing fruit into casks the game crashes back to the Switch homescreen.
  5. Resource counts from adjacent chests on the crafting bench/table don't work - it shows red text that you don't have enough of the item, however only items that are craft-able are un-obscured. Items that you don't have resources for are still greyed out. This appears to be a visual only bug, as you can still craft and it pulls the appropriate resources from the chests.
  6. The Ostrich Incubator will occasionally have the Junimo Chest sprite while it is incubating an egg. The chest funnily "bounces" around and grows/shrinks just like the incubator.
  7. If all players don't utilize the main shipping bin, the amount of items sold differs. This also applies to the completion achievements for selling certain amounts/1 of every items. Note this was present in the 1.5 version as well.
  8. The Infinite Power achievement only works for the host. I have created an Infinity Sword AND Infinity Mallet and as a second player do not have the achievement.
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I play on switch online co-op. Placing a bomb causes the other player to be kicked out of the game.
We have definitely noticed some lag with action animations.
We are only in spring year one so unsure about other mines or areas.


> The earnings screen between days has different amounts for each player, even though we have combined money. Once the new day loads, the amounts at the top right match for both players and seems correct. At first we thought it was based on what each of us put in the shipping bin, but that's not the case. It seems kind of random.

I don't think this is random. I'm pretty sure that anything put in the regular shipping bin counts for both players, but anything put in the mini shipping bin(s) only counts for the primary player.

A list of all bugs my wife and I encountered in co-op on switch with the newest update:

* Fishing sound glitch (primary player)
* Volcano dungeon being empty (second player)
* Shared cooldown on weapon specials when used by either player


I am on year 6 autumn

So on the bottom half of the wall in the bedroom of my house the door frame is on the wall like i have a corner room added and its the door frame. I have brought this room, added then removed but it is still there.

When cooking all ingredients are red despite having them on person/ fridge.

The floating leaves outside are not spread and just kove across the screen as one big line repeatedly


Hey guys, so the fix that CA posted on twitter regarding lag works on the switch version on single player (not tried split screen tonight).

Remove all hats from animals - including your horse (an odd sentence to write). It's improved it massively, better than before the update on my side.

No other fixes as of yet!


Hey guys, so the fix that CA posted on twitter regarding lag works on the switch version on single player (not tried split screen tonight).

Remove all hats from animals - including your horse (an odd sentence to write). It's improved it massively, better than before the update on my side.

No other fixes as of yet!
Do you know how to remove hats from horses? I can't figure it out since it only seems to pop off if I add another hat on?


I'm in summer year 7 playing multiplayer split screen, and there's a huge bug that fuses floor 1 of the volcano mines with floor 5, and instead of a rubber of lava, it's water, which is impassible with a can (you also can't refill with it). It's obvious that this is unintentional because the dwarf salesman and parrot stand are posted on top of the rest of the room. Volcano dungeon is quite unplayable this way because you can't get around this room. If I can get a screenshot tomorrow, I can send it here


We're a couple days into spring of year 9, and we're having a lot of the same issues on the Switch playing local/split-screen co-op: weird fishing noise, workbench inventory not counting adjacent chests, lots of lag. We hadn't used any bombs yet, but my son discovered quickly that you can't use fireworks in co-op mode or the game crashes. (It was fine in single player mode. 🤷🏽‍♀️) I've experienced the wall of leaves randomly since having the game (and that's been years now), but it usually corrects itself if you move to a new area. Hasn't happened yet for us on 1.6.9, but I'm sure it will.


Something I found on Switch was doing the racoon quest I got 2 notifications that the racoon shop updated. But when I go into the shop I only have access to the original 4 shop items. And I can't scroll the shop menu down to view more items. The arrows are there on the right side but the scroll bar isn't and it won't scroll. I only have access to 4 items even after the notification popped up twice saying the shop was updated.

I don't know if this is because I am playing on an old farm from before the update. Or if this is an already known bug. Thought I'd atleast report it.