Hi there, I noticed a pretty bad soft lock bug on machines that check nearby chests.
When attempting to use the kitchen immediately after using a refrigerator, the kitchen UI opens momentarily, then it switches back to the fridge UI. Afterwards, the kitchen is unusable and it says "A kitchen appliance is currently in use, please try again later."
This also occurs on workbenches, saying "One of the chests near the workbench is in use." It seems like you have to wait until the chest animation fully closes or the machine will soft lock until you reset the day.
Most people probably would not notice, but min/maxers frequently pause buffer and switch between tasks as quickly as possible.
Here's a gif of the bug https://gfycat.com/defensivedelightfulcoypu
Thank you for all your hard work!
When attempting to use the kitchen immediately after using a refrigerator, the kitchen UI opens momentarily, then it switches back to the fridge UI. Afterwards, the kitchen is unusable and it says "A kitchen appliance is currently in use, please try again later."
This also occurs on workbenches, saying "One of the chests near the workbench is in use." It seems like you have to wait until the chest animation fully closes or the machine will soft lock until you reset the day.
Most people probably would not notice, but min/maxers frequently pause buffer and switch between tasks as quickly as possible.
Here's a gif of the bug https://gfycat.com/defensivedelightfulcoypu
Thank you for all your hard work!