PC [BUG] Going into a barn or coop crashes the game in 1.5.5

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Hello all,

Since updating to 1.5.5, whenever I enter a barn or coop (possibly other buildings too), the game freezes for a second and then crashes. System details are below.

Game version: 1.5.5 (Steam)
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 5.15.6-arch2-1
CPU: Intel i7-9750H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB Max-Q

No mods are installed.

The bug appears both while running the game natively and while using proton (6.3-8)


Staff member
Hi! In an effort to keep similar reports together, I've locked this thread. If you have additional info about this issue, please add it to https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/9940/!
The main thread for an issue is picked based on multiple factors, we won't always pick the earliest thread that reported the issue.
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