PC [BUG] Game Crashes When Going To Bed


Creator & Developer
Staff member
It's not crashing for me if I just load the save and then go to bed. What kinds of things did you do in-game on the day when it crashed?


The one day I picked up 351 cauliflower and replanted them. I mainly pet my pigs and collect truffles, collect slime, visit the sewers, then I collect hardwood from the Secret Woods, and go to bed.

It crashed the first time, and I did the same thing over and it didn't crash. Then several in-game days later it crashed like that again.


Creator & Developer
Staff member
Okay so it's crashing when you place the auto-petter in a location that isn't the coop or the barn. It's a bug we need to fix soon. But for now, just either don't place the auto-petter, or only place it in a coop or barn and you will be okay