PC [BUG] Flower Honey has changed into Wild Honey


So when the new update came out I noticed all my flower honey (fairy rose honey, poppy honey, etc.) has been renamed to Wild Honey but doesn't stack. I haven't downloaded any mods nor messed with my game files and I'm unsure on why it has done this. I even sold one of each and at the end of day screen they all came up as Wild Honey with different prices.
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Local Legend
It looks like they were priced correctly, as the one that's 952 per honey sold is clearly fairy rose honey, so this isn't a game-breaker... and there's no use to flower honey but selling it, so it's not like you lost anything. Things just weren't labeled correctly... which is weird, yes.
I don't have an answer but I'm really glad you didn't loose any money due to the issue!

Was the honey already in your inventory when the game updated or did you collect it from the hives post-update?


I don't have an answer but I'm really glad you didn't loose any money due to the issue!

Was the honey already in your inventory when the game updated or did you collect it from the hives post-update?
The honey was just in the chests. I did collect the Blue Jazz Honey after the update but all the rest were old honey that was just in there.