Solved [BUG] Festival of Ice-Log Sprite Swapping


This is my first post, so I will write to the best of my abilities. I searched for this bug before creating this topic, but I may have overlooked something.

During the Festival of Ice, the entrance to the Secret Forest is blocked by a decorative fence. I find this to be a bug because there is a chance that the entrance is normally blocked by a fallen log, which seems to "vanish" during this festival.

To rephrase this a bit longer, I am early on in the game and have not cleared the fallen log that blocks the entrance to the Secret Forest. When attending the Festival of Ice, I noticed that the log was gone, and replaced by the fence. I returned to the area the next day, and the log had appeared again. It may be best to move the fence forwards so it doesn't collide with the log sprite, and both can coexist? Alternatively, the fence is not needed during the festival if the log is in place, as it blocks the way and the player cannot use the axe within the festival. I was unable to get a screenshot as I didn't notice this bug until the log had returned after the festival.

I am playing on the PC as singleplayer. Please let me know if I missed any important information.


Staff member
Although a fence may not be what you expect to see there early in the game, this isn't exactly a bug, although you could say it's a minor oversight. The area that the festival exists in is a completely different map, so even if the fence was moved, there still wouldn't a log there, because from the game's perspective, you aren't in Cindersap at all, you're at the Festival of Ice. There would have to be code added to check if you cleared the log or not and then add it into the festival's map- which would be a lot of work for a small thing.

It's the same reason that crab pots or other items you've placed on the beach aren't visible during the Night Market, because it's actually a different map. I hope that make sense!