Tesla [BUG] Crash during single item interactions



This is on Tesla firmware 10.2 (2020.8.1 ae1963092ff8).

The game has crashed twice during single item interactions.

First time was in the mine, when receiving the boots on Lv 10 I believe, from the chest. When trying to claim them, the game crashed. I believe this was because my hotbar / inventory (12 slots) was full. When the game crashes, trying to launch it again hangs at the end of the loading screen - the touchscreen has to be rebooted to get the game to launch.

Second time was at the Summer Luau festival, when trying to add an ingredient to the communal stew pot. I reloaded the game from the save three times, trying to change which item I put in, but it crashes every time. This time my hotbar / inventory was about half empty.
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