Solved [BUG] Cost of Strawberry Seeds at Egg Hunt - Profit Margin Adjustment


With the new 1.5 update, the option for reducing the profit margins affects both the cost of the seed and the sell price of the crops (e.g. in a full run a potato seed costs $50 and a grown potato sells for $80, while at 50% profit margin a potato seed costs $25 and a grown potato sells for $40). However, the strawberry seeds that you can buy at the Egg Hunt event don't seem to adjust? They were still worth $100 each, despite the grown strawberry value decreasing from the usual $120 to $60. I would have expected the strawberry seeds to be selling for $50?


They might not count since they aren't from the main seed locations like pierre's, the oasis, and the traveling cart. Weather or not the night market seeds are also affected might help figure out if it's specifically strawberry or if it's for festival seeds instead.


Staff member
This should be fixed in 1.5.2! Please mention if it's still an issue for you!