PC [BUG] Children don't go to bed at night

Hi! I'm opening this thread to report this issue with my baby girl, when she reached her last stage of growth (when babies stop sleeping in their crib) it was suppoused to start sleeping in one of the child's bed from the room but she doesn't seems to do so...at some point after 6:00 pm of game's day suddendly gets frozen/asleep in a random place inside the main house (because we have 2 houses in the game, I had her with my boyfriend's character which is host in our farm, I'm not married with any NPC and never had before started playing) but is really annoying that when she was in previous stages of growth was sleeping at 6:00 pm with no problem...please we need help at this or tell us if we can do something to fix this? (this happens on every single day, it doesn't matter if it's a festival, or not, either if we go, or not, to foreign zones like the desert of the island). Thanks in advance! :smile:



I think she can't reach her bed because of all the decoration in her room. Try removing that. If there is something in their path, they won't go to bed
I already tried that and didn't work, even without mods and moving furnishings from the walls as well :sweat:



My sister and I have the same promblem in our multi-player session!
Some times our boy Kilian gets closer to his bed in the child's room. But he never sleep on the bed. 😔
We are a little be worried about this.


Local Legend
It doesn't hurt your child to stand around all night, so you really don't need to worry. Additionally, I don't know why it would be so annoying since it doesn't hinder your play in any way. I mean, yes, it would be nice for the bug to be fixed... but I don't think it's anything in which to get emotionally invested.


Local Legend
I agree, it is weird and it is not supposed to happen. It would be nice if it was fixed too, yes. (insert shrug here) I dunno. I mean, I'm sure CA would love to fix it, but he may not have figured out how and may also have other things ahead of that on his to do list.

So yeah, I'm not going to worry about it. That's all.
I know this post is old, but I just came across it as I was having the same trouble! I ended up placing a new "Child Bed" out of the furniture catalogue in their room and they went to bed! I had accidentally placed "Bed" (just a normal single bed, which looks exactly like a Child's Bed) and that's when they stopped. I know it doesn't affect gameplay, but as a Mum, it really bugged me when they weren't in bed at night 🤣


Local Legend
I have never had that problem regularly, but I noticed my kids won't go to bed on any festival night.
That is a known thing, yes. Every festival, you get home at 10pm and there will be the children standing there like zombies.


Hi, I'm having the same exact issue - one of my child won't go to bed. I checked and it is a "Children Bed", and she also has space to go to bed (nothing blocks her path). :(
Did you manage to fix this, FaylinnShinigami ?
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This might be a known bug, I I noticed there's no explanation: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Children#Bugs

Based on FaylinnShinigami's screenshots, they are married to a farmhand (there is no spouse room that you get if you marry an NPC).

I know this is an old thread, but this is a bug that happened to me because I'm married to a farmhand (not an NPC). My son would go to bed every night at 7pm, but my daughter stayed up all night every permanently. It may or may not apply to everyone, but this is how I found out:

- I double-checked that I had two Child Beds
- I double-checked that nothing was blocking the beds
- I looked at the save file to see what differences existed between my two children.

Turns out, my son had some code that looked like this <idOfParent>2555561476317522391</idOfParent>. And looking through the rest of the code in the save file, I confirmed that number was my character's ID. My daughter had <idOfParent>2642937665404790519</idOfParent> which was the character ID of my boyfriend's player.

My boyfriend and I play together and we are married in the game. He has his own farmhand cabin, but every night, we sleep in the bed in my farmhouse. Since we only ever slept in my farmhouse, both children were born in MY farmhouse, and not my boyfriend's cabin. But according to the save file, only our son was MY child and he slept in MY farmhouse. Our daughter was HIS child.

I edited the save file and changed the idOfParent of both kids to belong to my character so they could sleep in my farmhouse. That fixed the issue! Both my children go to sleep in their beds at 7pm every night now. If you want to do this, MAKE SURE you make a copy beforehand as a backup in case a mistake breaks your save.

My guess is that the game's code has an issue where because this isn't her parent's house, she can't sleep in this house...
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